Amsterdam fr $990* return

Amsterdam fr $990 return with Etihad. Full service, excellent on-board service and amenities. Quite a good deal actually.

Grab a gouda flight to Amsterdam, before visiting the town of Gouda, home of my favourite cheese.

*If you buy this ticket, and travel to the town of Gouda, you have to bring me back some aged gouda, it’s a rule. I’m not joking.

Ride a bicycle over canals, visit the marijuana museum, tip-toe through the tulips, visit the Van Gogh Museum, Anne Frank’s House, go window shopping in the red-light district, or sleep in a ship, as I did! (listen to travel podcast link at bottom of article).

Flights are with Eithad via Abu Dhabi and flying out of Sydney or Melbourne.
Travel during October – December 2019 and January – March 2020.
Full service – All bags. meals and in-flight entertainment included!

$990 Return, cheap Melbourne to Amsterdam Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

06/Nov30/Nov$990View Flight
13/Nov07/Dec$990View Flight
05/Feb29/Feb$990View Flight
25/Feb20/Mar$990View Flight
06/Nov01/Dec$990View Flight
08/Mar31/Mar$990View Flight
14/Jan06/Feb$990View Flight
02/Feb25/Feb$990View Flight
18/Feb12/Mar$990View Flight
03/Nov30/Nov$990View Flight

$1062 Return, cheap Sydney to Amsterdam Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

06/Oct28/Oct$1062View Flight
13/Oct04/Nov$1062View Flight
07/Oct28/Oct$1062View Flight
08/Oct28/Oct$1062View Flight
15/Oct04/Nov$1062View Flight
09/Oct28/Oct$1062View Flight
30/Oct18/Nov$1062View Flight
06/Nov25/Nov$1062View Flight
17/Oct04/Nov$1062View Flight
16/Oct04/Nov$1075View Flight

Need flights to Amsterdam but your departure city wasn’t included? Search and compare below:

Need a fantastic hotel in Amsterdam?

Rent a bicycle or scooter in Amsterdam.


Skip the queues at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam


All flights are with Etihad and involve layovers in Abu Dhabi in both directions. Etihad are a full service airline, so all checked baggage, in-flight meals and entertainment are included.

Can I use my own dates? Yes – just click the link closest to your preferred dates and then change the dates once the search has completed.

These prices won’t last long. Usually a few days but sometimes much shorter. If you click the sample dates and the prices have gone up it unfortunately means the sale has ended.

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Travel always, don’t forget to send me a postcard, cheers Jade Jackson
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