Frequently Asked Questions.

Questions about writing


Where can I find examples of your writing?
This website is designed to showcase my work. Check out my blog, travel articles or work with me pages as well as my shop.

Why should I pay $1 to read your blog on Patreon, when I can read it for free?
Producing a blog, takes time and I have over twenty years experience in the travel industry so I have a ton of knowledge to share. Reading an ad-free blog is a beautiful experience and totally worth $1 for a few minutes of knowledge and escapism.
If you don’t want to join Patreon, then at least click on the ads (if you’re interested in them). Every click takes money from the behemoth that is Google, and gives it to me, a solitary freelance writer, podcaster and photographer, trying to make a living from the arts.

$4.99 seems a lot for an ebook. Why don’t you give it away for free?
If you you spent twelve months creating something, getting up at 5am to write before work, staying up till midnight, writing 15 hour days on weekends, would you want to give that away for free? I didn’t think so. $4.99 is a fair price to pay for something I dedicated a year of my life to. Besides it’s a great read. Buy it direct from my website to ensure I keep as much profit as possible.

I’ve travelled to Bali and did a Contiki tour, why should I read your travel blog?
Did you live, breathe, work in the travel industry and otherwise dedicate your life to travel? Did you sacrifice everything to travel? Did you pave the way and inspire others to get out there and see the world?
Have you explored more than 25% of the world?
Enough said.

Why did you write a play?
Great question, thanks for asking. I felt it was underrepresented in bookshops. Plus I liked the stripped back, bare nature of pure conversation to carry a story. It was a challenge and I always love a challenge.

Do you get paid for mentioning hotels etc in your blogs?
Only if you click on the Agoda links in the post, and make a booking. So please book your accommodation via the links on my website, it doesn’t cost you any extra, but it helps cover costs for my website. Likewise buy from the Book Depository links or Apple Music links to provide a small commission to me, to run this website including my podcasts.

Can you write a guest post on my blog?
Sure, head to my work with me page and submit your request.

I’m looking to break into freelance writing, can you help?
Sorry, my time is limited to getting my own stuff down. However there are plenty of websites, and books dedicated to helping freelancers branch out. Although a good place to start is Weekend Notes.

I have solutions to your SEO, getting 10,000 followers on Instagram, getting repeat customers, know everything about the publishing industry etc etc, can I contact you?
If you’re offering to sell me something, then no. Not interested.

Questions about photography

How much does it cost to hire a photographer?
The cost varies based on duration, how you want to receive your photos, and location. Please contact me with your requirements and I’ll provide an all inclusive quote.

Do you only service weddings and events in the blue mountains?
Whilst I’m based in the Blue Mountains and know it well, I have a car so can easily service Western Sydney, Metropolitan Sydney and beyond. I also have a passport so if you need me to travel to your destination wedding, that can also be arranged.

Why is hiring a photographer so expensive?
Have you seen the cost of professional DSLR camera’s, and lenses? Then there’s editing software, transport, advertising, and all of these need updating on a regular basis. I’ve spent tens of thousands before I’ve spent any time taking you’re photos. Then there’s time spent editing (sorting, uploading etc) the best photos so they really pop. Generally one hour of photography equals roughly 3 hours of photography in the backend. Being a photographer is both an expensive business, and a time consuming one. As they say, time is money.

How many photos will I receive?
It depends on how many are taken. Generally 1 hour of photography will result in at least 30-50 awesome photos. I will probably take more than is necessary, and you may not see every single photo, because there might be duplicates.

I don’t like some of the photos, can you make me look thinner, more beautiful, tanned etc?
Sorry, no, I’m not a plastic surgeon. Ensure you’re happy with your wardrobe choices, makeup, etc before the shoot and practice poses, smiles etc in the mirror so you’re happy with the shots. I’ll direct, but I can’t force you to smile or change how you look.

You missed taking a photo of someone at my event, can you come back to do a reshoot?
I mentally keep a tab on who I’ve photographed and I ensure I try to capture every person at your event, at least once. If there’s groupings of photos you would like, please let me know ahead of time, and introduce me to those people (or point them out) so I can be sure to capture them. Likewise, grab me during the shoot to take any photo you like.
Any re-shoots are at an additional cost and pending availability.

What equipment do you use?
I use a Nikon D750 full frame camera which is lighter for travel and all day shoots. I also have a 24-85mm lens, 50mm portrait and low light lens, and a 70-300mm zoom lens. I have a Nikon Key Mission 360 camera for virtual reality type shots, and a Go Pro Silver 4 for underwater shots.

I have my own SLR camera, does that make me a photographer?
Depends, can you use it? Do you have the editing software to turn an okay photo into a brilliant one? Do you have backups, and can you see moments before they happen?
Being a photographer isn’t just having access to a camera, it’s knowing how to get the shot, no matter the circumstance. It’s about seeing the moment before it happens and most importantly it’s about knowing how to use your gear. Anyone with an iPhone can take a photo, but not every photo is worthy of printing and framing. Hiring a photographer means they can focus on capturing your event, so you don’t have to.

Why don’t you include prints?
It’s so easy to get prints done and cheap, these days. I prefer to keep your costs down, and that way, you can print whatever photos you like in the sizes you need.

Do I have to pay a deposit?
Nope. Deposits are archaic, and just add confusion. Full payment is required no later than the day of the shoot.

Can I wait till I receive my photos till I pay for them?
Sorry no. Payment is due no later than the day of the shoot and can be paid by cash or credit card.

How long does it take to receive my photos after the event?
It depends on how long the photo shoot is and how many photos there are. Anywhere from a day to a few weeks. However I will give you a guesstimate on the day of the shoot, and will keep you updated along the way. With an online album, you will see new photos as I ad them.

Can I pay by credit card?
Absolutely. I use a secure payment device through Square.

If I purchase a photograph from your website, will that go up in value?
Great question. Like art, each purchase is about buying something you love, to enrich your home, whilst supporting the artist to continue to create. If you want an investment build a time machine and buy Apple stocks in 2001.

If I’m paying for a photograph, why don’t I receive a print?
Producing prints ads additional cost for the product itself. So to keep costs down for fans, including without having to pay postage, it makes sense to provide digital files, because I have customers around the world, and I want to provide an easy solution for everyone.
There is also the danger that a print could get lost or damaged in transit. By supplying full size digital downloads, means you can receive it straight away, you can print whatever size fits the space you’re trying to fill, and a digital file is much easier to replace.
Years ago I lost everything in a house fire, so by providing you with a digital file, means you can keep a backup, and it’s one thing that’s easier to replace should you lose everything to a disaster.

Why do you charge for a digital photograph, couldn’t you give it away for free?
Every photo has involved travelling to distant places on earth, getting up early, staying up late, climbing mountains, jumping on and off trains, buses, ferries, and hitchhiking to get to remote locations in order to take that photograph. Sure you could visit all the places I’ve been to, but some photos can not be retaken because it was a single moment, captured in time. So really the true cost of taking these photos is in the thousands. The price I sell them for is a small price to pay, to have a beautiful photograph displayed in your home.

Questions about podcasting

What is a podcast?
A podcast is a pre-recorded audio show, much like radio except you can download (or stream it) to listen whenever you want. Unlike expensive radio broadcast licences, anyone can create a podcast.

Where can I find your podcast?
I currently produce two shows – Jade Talks Travel and Jade Talks Stuff. Both are available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcasting app. Alternatively listen right from the media players, below:

I have a suggestion for a topic for your podcast, where can I send it?
I generally prefer to create my own content, however if you really must, please contact me.

I disagree with something you said in a podcast, where can I send my opinion?
Write it down, and post it to:
Dante Geeva Phuoc
123 Opinion St
Be sure to send it express post. In all seriousness I fact check every thing I say and it’s my podcast, I can say whatever I like, if you don’t like it, no one’s forcing you to listen. If you have feedback though, you know how to contact me.

Will you showcase my business, product, or establishment in your podcast?
Pay me and I will. Advertising is at my discretion to ensure it’s inline with my audience and website. If you want me to provide a review of your product, send it to me and I’ll give it a go. I’ll be honest and at the end of the day, I’m not going to tell my audience to buy something, unless I think it’s worthwhile because no one wants to buy junk. So make sure your product is awesome and I’ll happily flog a product I feel offers value and quality.

I’d like to appear as a guest on your podcast because I have a great story to tell. How much will I get paid?
Absolute zilch, nada, no buckeroos. However check out my Patreon page because if you pay me enough, I’ll give you a guest appearance on my podcast.

How many listeners does your podcast have?
It’s ever growing. I could give you a number but it wouldn’t be accurate for very long.

What are the demographics of your podcast?
Mostly Australia, America and New Zealand, although there’s substantial listener’s in the UK (especially Scotland) India, the Philippines, Japan, Peru, and like listener numbers, reach is expanding everyday.

I can help edit your podcast, when shall we start doing business?
I’m fine thanks. Seriously, I’ve been doing all my own stunts for years now, and often with editing I’ll need to re-record a segment or cut in new audio, so it’s not something I can outsource.

I have an idea for a podcast, can you help me produce it?
Like freelancing, you’ll find plenty of guides online including the Apple Podcasts site. Also if your idea is you and your mates sitting around chatting about nothing in particular. Come up with another idea.

I have my own podcast, will you give me a shoutout and recommend me to your listeners?
Only if I’m a genuine fan, and think my listener’s would enjoy your show. I’m not going to send listeners to a podcast, just because you have a podcast. Give us a reason to listen. What are we going to walk away from your podcast with?

Have a question that is not answered here? Then contact me.