Spain fr $774**

Set off for sunny Spain with these smashing deals from Air China! Beg off to Barcelona or make your way to Madrid with travel during October – December 2019 and March/April 2020. All bags and meals are included, plus a free hotel for any layovers!

**This deal has ended** For other cheap flights to Spain, search here.

$778 Return Melbourne to Barcelona Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.
29/Oct21/Nov$778View Flight
05/Nov09/Dec$778View Flight
12/Nov16/Dec$778View Flight
02/Nov07/Dec$778View Flight
02/Nov09/Dec$778View Flight
02/Nov12/Dec$778View Flight
31/Oct18/Nov$822View Flight
09/Nov16/Dec$822View Flight
31/Oct09/Dec$822View Flight
09/Nov19/Dec$822View Flight
$782 Return Sydney to Barcelona Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.
26/Oct02/Dec$782View Flight
02/Nov09/Dec$786View Flight
05/Nov02/Dec$789View Flight
21/Mar11/Apr$791View Flight
05/Nov09/Dec$791View Flight
02/Nov07/Dec$791View Flight
02/Nov12/Dec$791View Flight
09/Nov02/Dec$835View Flight
19/Oct25/Nov$836View Flight
09/Nov16/Dec$836View Flight

Flights to Barcelona Your departure city wasn’t included? Click to see the prices we have found from your city to Barcelona

Barcelona Hotels Get a great deal on a room in Barcelona

$774 Return Melbourne to Madrid Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.
03/Mar01/Apr$774View Flight
03/Mar30/Mar$776View Flight
05/Mar01/Apr$776View Flight
17/Mar15/Apr$776View Flight
24/Mar22/Apr$776View Flight
02/Mar01/Apr$776View Flight
03/Mar03/Apr$776View Flight
06/Mar01/Apr$784View Flight
03/Mar04/Apr$784View Flight
05/Nov09/Dec$784View Flight
$797 Return Sydney to Madrid Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.
05/Nov02/Dec$797View Flight
05/Nov09/Dec$797View Flight
14/Oct25/Nov$797View Flight
14/Oct27/Nov$797View Flight
14/Oct29/Nov$842View Flight
14/Oct30/Nov$842View Flight
17/Oct28/Nov$861View Flight
13/Oct28/Nov$861View Flight
14/Oct28/Nov$862View Flight
28/Oct12/Dec$881View Flight

Flights to Madrid Your departure city wasn’t included? Click to see the prices we have found from your city to Madrid

Madrid Hotels Get a great deal on a room in Madrid
All flights are with Air China, and involve layovers in Beijing, China in both directions. Some of these are brief but some may be longer.

As a bonus, Air China offers free hotel accommodation for long layovers in Beijing; click here. for more information about this offer and how to redeem it. New Zealand passport holders can enter Beijing without a visa as part of a layover; click here. for more information about visa-free access to China.

Air China are a full service airline, so all checked baggage, in-flight meals and entertainment are included.

Can I use my own dates?

Yes – just click the link closest to your preferred dates and then change the dates once the search has completed.

These prices won’t last long.

Usually a few days but sometimes much shorter. If you click the sample dates and the prices have gone up it unfortunately means the sale has ended.

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