New Zealand to Athens, Tokyo and Beijing – On Sale Now**

Fly from New Zealand to China, Japan and Greece – All On Sale!

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Get going to gorgeous Greece with these amazing deals to Athens from Air China! Travel during February/March 2020. All bags and meals included, plus a free hotel for layovers!

**This deal has now ended**

But that doesn’t mean you’ve missed out. You can browse the latest travel deals here. If you’re looking for a particular destination, you can search for cheap flights to anywhere here, or request deals from your city.

$1071 Return Auckland to Athens Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.
24/Feb16/Mar$1071View Flight
24/Feb11/Mar$1071View Flight
24/Feb18/Mar$1073View Flight
24/Feb23/Mar$1073View Flight
05/Mar23/Mar$1073View Flight
24/Feb09/Mar$1073View Flight
09/Mar23/Mar$1073View Flight
05/Mar16/Mar$1075View Flight
17/Feb11/Mar$1078View Flight
17/Feb09/Mar$1078View Flight
05/Mar25/Mar$1092View Flight
24/Feb25/Mar$1095View Flight
09/Mar25/Mar$1095View Flight

Flights to Athens Your departure city wasn’t included? Click to see the prices we have found from your city to Athens

Athens Hotels Get a great deal on a room in Athens

All flights are with Air China, and involve layovers in Beijing, China in both directions. Some of these are brief but some may be longer. As a bonus, Air China offers free hotel accommodation for long layovers in Beijing; click here. for more information about this offer and how to redeem it.

New Zealand passport holders can enter Beijing without a visa as part of a layover; click here. for more information about visa-free access to China.

Air China are a full service airline, so all checked baggage, in-flight meals and entertainment are included.

EN - 728x90

You’ve read this article about travelling around Europe by rail?
Find your ideal Eurail or Britrail Pass here covering from 1-33 countries!

If you only need a point-to-point ticket in Britain or Europe, you can book those here.


Jet away to Japan and take on Tokyo with these fantastic fares from Fiji Airways! Travel during February/March 2020. All bags and meals included! Hurry, limited seats available.

$770 Return Auckland to Tokyo Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.
20/Feb06/Mar$770View Flight
15/Jun03/Jul$770View Flight
14/Feb03/Mar$770View Flight
28/Feb17/Mar$770View Flight
27/Feb06/Mar$770View Flight
24/Feb03/Mar$770View Flight
29/Aug08/Sep$771View Flight
29/Aug06/Sep$771View Flight
24/Feb10/Mar$792View Flight
02/Mar17/Mar$792View Flight

Flights to Tokyo Your departure city wasn’t included? Click to see the prices we have found from your city to Tokyo

Tokyo Hotels Get a great deal on a room in Tokyo

These flights involve layovers in Nadi, Fiji – some of them long or overnight. Book a hotel and do some sightseeing – New Zealand passport holders can enter Fiji without a visa. Fiji Airways is a full-service carrier, so these fares include checked luggage and in-flight meals.

Need a great place to stay? You’ll find it here.

Check out China on the cheap and in style with these bargains to Beijing from Hainan Airlines! Travel during February/March 2020. All bags and meals included!

$629 Return Auckland to Beijing Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.
03/Mar19/Mar$629View Flight
05/Mar20/Mar$629View Flight
05/Mar22/Mar$629View Flight
05/Mar18/Mar$629View Flight
03/Mar22/Mar$629View Flight
27/Feb19/Mar$629View Flight
05/Mar19/Mar$629View Flight
06/Mar22/Mar$637View Flight
02/Mar19/Mar$637View Flight
06/Mar19/Mar$637View Flight
27/Feb12/Mar$640View Flight

Flights to Beijing Your departure city wasn’t included? Click to see the prices we have found from your city to Beijing

Beijing Hotels Get a great deal on a room in Beijing

All flights are with Hainan Airlines and involve brief layovers in each direction in Shenzhen, China. Hainan Airlines are a premium, five-star airline, so all checked baggage, in-flight meals and entertainment are included.

Can I use my own dates? Yes – just click the link closest to your preferred dates and then change the dates once the search has completed.

These prices won’t last long. Usually a few days but sometimes much shorter. If you click the sample dates and the prices have gone up it unfortunately means the sale has ended.

Here’s how to book your China trip.

Prefer to search flights based on your own dates or city? Compare hundreds of websites and online travel agencies using my flight search comparison tool or find the best price on accommodation

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Thanks for reading!
Happy travels
Jade Jackson – Listen to my podcast Jade Talks Travel
Travel Writer | Podcaster | Photographer

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