Hong Kong On Sale fr $525**

Hong Kong on Sale – Book Now to Take Advantage.

#travel #hongkong #hongkongonsale #cheapflightsHongKong #cheapflights #qantas #virgin

Take advantage of the price war between Qantas and Virgin to get to Hong Kong in full-service comfort and style.

Travelling from Perth or Adelaide? I’ve found great prices on direct flights with Cathay Pacific for you, too! Travel across a wide range of late 2019 and early 2020 dates.

**This deal has ended** But other cheap flights can still be found here.

Direct Flights

$525 Return Melbourne to Hong Kong Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

09/Jun16/Jun$525View Flight
25/May31/May$525View Flight
03/Mar09/Mar$527View Flight
05/May11/May$527View Flight
11/May17/May$527View Flight
13/May19/May$527View Flight
18/May24/May$527View Flight
24/Oct03/Nov$528View Flight
29/Oct06/Nov$528View Flight
29/Oct05/Nov$528View Flight

$536 Return Sydney to Hong Kong Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

28/May03/Jun$536View Flight
04/Jun10/Jun$536View Flight
25/May03/Jun$536View Flight
26/May02/Jun$536View Flight
27/May03/Jun$536View Flight
25/May31/May$536View Flight
26/May31/May$536View Flight
29/Apr13/May$539View Flight
04/Nov17/Nov$539View Flight
25/May07/Jun$539View Flight

$545 Return Brisbane to Hong Kong Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

24/Feb02/Mar$545View Flight
02/Mar09/Mar$545View Flight
09/Mar16/Mar$545View Flight
16/Mar23/Mar$545View Flight
29/Apr06/May$545View Flight
05/May12/May$545View Flight
12/May19/May$545View Flight
19/May26/May$545View Flight
09/Jun16/Jun$545View Flight
25/Feb02/Mar$545View Flight

$631 Return Adelaide to Hong Kong Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

21/Nov04/Dec$631View Flight
21/Nov03/Dec$631View Flight
20/Nov01/Dec$631View Flight
31/Oct10/Nov$631View Flight
07/Nov17/Nov$631View Flight
21/Nov01/Dec$631View Flight
21/Nov30/Nov$631View Flight
30/Oct06/Nov$631View Flight
06/Nov13/Nov$631View Flight
31/Oct07/Nov$631View Flight

$635 Return Perth to Hong Kong Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

28/Oct07/Nov$635View Flight
06/Nov16/Nov$636View Flight
13/Nov23/Nov$636View Flight
17/Oct27/Oct$636View Flight
21/Oct31/Oct$636View Flight
24/Oct03/Nov$636View Flight
14/Oct24/Oct$636View Flight
14/Nov24/Nov$636View Flight
29/Oct05/Nov$636View Flight
06/Nov13/Nov$636View Flight

All flights are direct to and from Hong Kong. Flights from Sydney and Melbourne are with Virgin Australia; flights from Brisbane are with Qantas; and flights from Perth and Adelaide are with Cathay Pacific. Qantas, Virgin and Cathay Pacific are all full-service carriers, so these fares include checked luggage and in-flight meals.

Flights to Hong Kong Your departure city wasn’t included? Click to see the prices we have found from your city to Hong Kong

Hong Kong Hotels Get a great deal on a room in Hong Kong

Flights with Layovers

$509 Return Hobart to Hong Kong Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

29/Apr06/May$509View Flight
05/May12/May$509View Flight
12/May19/May$509View Flight
19/May26/May$509View Flight
24/Feb02/Mar$509View Flight
09/Mar16/Mar$509View Flight
05/May11/May$509View Flight
13/May19/May$509View Flight
20/Feb26/Feb$509View Flight
25/Feb02/Mar$509View Flight

$531 Return Canberra to Hong Kong Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

09/Jun16/Jun$531View Flight
29/Apr06/May$534View Flight
05/May12/May$534View Flight
19/May26/May$534View Flight
26/May02/Jun$534View Flight
18/Feb25/Feb$534View Flight
09/Mar16/Mar$534View Flight
16/Mar23/Mar$534View Flight
05/May11/May$534View Flight
11/May17/May$534View Flight

$533 Return Adelaide to Hong Kong Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

13/May19/May$533View Flight
18/May24/May$533View Flight
29/Apr06/May$533View Flight
05/May12/May$533View Flight
12/May19/May$533View Flight
26/May02/Jun$533View Flight
09/Jun16/Jun$533View Flight
16/Mar23/Mar$533View Flight
18/Feb25/Feb$533View Flight
25/Feb02/Mar$533View Flight

Flights from Adelaide are with Qantas and involve brief layovers in Melbourne. Flights from Hobart and Canberra are with Virgin Australia and involve brief layovers in Melbourne. Qantas and Virgin Australia are full-service carriers, so these fares include checked luggage and in-flight meals.

Cheap Flights to Hong Kong:
Your departure city wasn’t included? Search other dates and cities to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Hotels Get a great deal on a room in Hong Kong.

Need Hong Kong Disneyland Tickets or an Octopus Metro Card?
Get it now and save the hassle on arrival.


Can I use my own dates? Yes – just click the link closest to your preferred dates and then change the dates once the search has completed. These prices won’t last long. Usually a few days but sometimes much shorter. If you click the sample dates and the prices have gone up it unfortunately means the sale has ended.

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