Fly to Barcelona fr $863** RTN

Sydney to Barcelona for travel in 2020 from $863 return – full service, 5⭐️ airline!

**This deal has now ended**. Click here for other cheap flights to Spain.

Asiana Airlines are having a sale on flights to Barcelona, Spain.
Travel in Jan – Apr 2020. Asiana Airlines are rated 5 stars by Skytrax and are part of the Star Alliance network. Book before 2 July 19.

Have a stop in Seoul – it’s like Japan, but cheaper and shopping centres are open until 4am!

$863 Return Sydney to Barcelona Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.

21/Mar11/Apr$863View Flight
13/Mar04/Apr$863View Flight
20/Mar11/Apr$863View Flight
21/Mar12/Apr$863View Flight
23/Mar14/Apr$863View Flight
25/Mar16/Apr$863View Flight
27/Mar18/Apr$863View Flight
28/Mar19/Apr$863View Flight
15/Jan06/Feb$863View Flight
25/Jan16/Feb$863View Flight
01/Feb23/Feb$863View Flight
10/Feb03/Mar$863View Flight
17/Feb10/Mar$863View Flight
02/Mar24/Mar$863View Flight

Flights to Barcelona Your departure city wasn’t included? Click to see the prices we have found from your city to Barcelona
Can I use my own dates? Yes – just click the link closest to your preferred dates and then change the dates once the search has completed.

These prices won’t last long. Usually a few days but sometimes much shorter. If you click the sample dates and the prices have gone up it unfortunately means the sale has ended.

Barcelona Hotels from $94/night. Get a great deal on a room in Barcelona

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Looking for tickets for the Picasso tour of Barcelona or Skip the queues at major attractions?


Book trains in Spain, avoid queues and have peace of mind knowing everything is arranged.


Need Car Rental from Barcelona Airport (BCN)? Search and compare to find the best deals with fully inclusive rates.

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Prefer to discover Barcelona by bicycle?


Need a Global SIM card so you avoid roaming fees?


Need flights from your city? Search and compare now.

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See Van Gogh’s grave and wander the town, that remains as he painted it.

From the secondhand book capital of the world to steam trains, there’s plenty of reasons to discover Wales.

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