Cheap Flight Tickets USA to Spain fr $270 return

Run away to Spain with these discounted flight tickets from TAP Portugal.
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Book cheap flight tickets to Spain

Fly to Malaga, Spain with these cheap flights from American & TAP Air Portugal. Depart from New York, Boston & Washington between March to April & October to November 2020.

Looking for things to do in Malaga?

Click on ‘view flight‘ to see flight times or to choose alternate dates. You’ll be taken to a flight search engine results page. From there, you can book your flight with either the airline direct, or an online travel agent. Wondering why you should book via my site? Read this.

Tap Air Portugal
book cheap flights with TAP
$307 Roundtrip New York to Malaga Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.
11/Nov19/Nov$307View Flight
21/Apr27/Apr$307View Flight
12/Nov25/Nov$450View Flight
22/Oct04/Nov$450View Flight
29/Oct11/Nov$450View Flight
05/Nov18/Nov$450View Flight
15/Oct28/Oct$450View Flight
08/Oct21/Oct$450View Flight
14/Oct28/Oct$450View Flight
15/Oct29/Oct$450View Flight

Need a guidebook for Spain?
The following are all discounted with free worldwide delivery.

$270 Roundtrip Boston to Malaga Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.
23/Mar06/Apr$270View Flight
24/Mar06/Apr$270View Flight
24/Mar07/Apr$290View Flight
25/Mar06/Apr$290View Flight
24/Mar08/Apr$434View Flight
15/Oct28/Oct$434View Flight
01/Sep14/Sep$457View Flight
22/Sep05/Oct$457View Flight
$436 Roundtrip Washington to Malaga Flights. Click Here for more travel dates.
29/Oct11/Nov$436View Flight
05/Nov18/Nov$436View Flight
12/Nov25/Nov$436View Flight
19/Nov02/Dec$436View Flight
26/Nov09/Dec$436View Flight
03/Dec16/Dec$436View Flight
22/Oct04/Nov$436View Flight
11/Nov25/Nov$436View Flight
12/Nov26/Nov$436View Flight
12/Nov27/Nov$436View Flight

Can I use my own dates? Yes – just click the link closest to your preferred dates and then change the dates once the search has completed. These prices won’t last long. Usually a few days but sometimes much shorter. If you click the sample dates and the prices have gone up it unfortunately means the sale has ended.

Prefer to search flights based on your own dates or city? Compare hundreds of websites and online travel agencies using my flight search comparison tool or find the best price on accommodation

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Thanks for reading!
Happy travels
Jade Jackson – Listen to my podcast Jade Talks Travel
Travel Writer | Podcaster | Photographer

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