Where once a purpose lay..

Where once a purpose lay,
solid on our path…

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Six months of silence
A year (or more) since our last conversation. 

I’ve seen the cold, cruel clutch of death before
but this time,
It’s absolute. 

Where once a purpose lay,
solid on our path,
Now hope – that dastardly word,
four letters that rule kingdoms
change politics
and allow slavery to continue. 

Hope ceases to be,
Hope has no purpose here.
Hope is worse than god,
Hope takes our lives
and gives nothing in return. 

Where once a solid path
led us over the hills

Now it’s crumbled,
it’s signs have fallen.
Hills have become mountains,
valleys filled with the raging tears of hope,

It’s warmth disappearing over falls
onto the cold
solid rocks

Worn smooth from years
of torment gushing over them
Leaving a rock, too,
without hope
of ever becoming
a mountain.

Jade Jackson

Listen to an audio version of this poem, read by the author.

‘Where once a purpose lay’ a poem by Jade Jackson.

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